Therefore, you should also use manzil dua for black magic. Hence, you should use it to remove the hurdles. Moreover, your enemy can cast it upon you. Sometimes black magic and unlucky charm can destroy your hopes and dreams. Manzil dua is also beneficial for a marriage.You should do it regularly and correctly.

You should do it 3 times in a single sitting. Next, you should perform this dua in the morning and at night.You should also loudly recite Ruqyah from the Quran for protection against evil eye. Moreover, his family used them against witchcraft. An eminent Muslim scholar collected these verses in a book. Again, Prophet Muhammad used some verses to annul the sorcery effects.As such, it can remove diseases, sorcery, sihr, magic, and evil effects. It is one of the best antidotes to calamities. Manzil dua is a short Surah taken from the Holy Quran.It also removes sickness.Īs Such, Take Note of The Following Facts Manzil dua for black magic is a protection against the evil eye, jealousy, jinn, shaitan, witchcraft, and similar troubles. Get surah manzil to cure black magic from our Islamic expert and cure from black magic. Manzil Dua For Black Magic or dua e manzil treatment for black magic is type of manzil protection from black magic.